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C O U P L E    S H O O T


Either location or studio. For the 'do we have to?' husbands...I promise no awkward posing demands & I stand so far away you won't even know I'm there. Couples can be best friends,  mother & daughter & sisters too. 

'N E W  M E'   S H O O T S


Just turn up and leave the rest to me. I creatively direct all images on my portfolio so you are in safe hands with makeup, hair & photography. These images are studio portraits aimed at capturing the most beautiful you...just because sometimes life happens & we forget about ourselves.

B A B Y    S H O O T S


Sometimes it's challenging getting baby out so I can come to you if you have great natural light. No matter how you feel you look, know that being part of the photo will make it extra special for bub years from now.




This promotion is to raise money for Dorna Centre Home for Autism, if after your shoot you love your pictures please donate a little gift to the awesome children at the centre. These are my super awesome twins Charles & Lawrence. They are non-verbal autistic, perfect boys. Not every child has parents obsessed enough with them to play superhero music every morning just so they feel loved. DCHA is a great cause so trying to help the founder Dorothy - who has been so kind to us - to pay her rent to keep it going.

Malkia xx 

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